Download our video storyboard template

Storyboards are graphic guides used to plan videos. The best part of these templates? They’re editable pdfs- so no Photoshop or Indesign knowledge is required.

Currently, at SPLASH we’re making our way through FIFTY storyboards for an upcoming production. With over half under our belt, we figure there’s no better time to share a few tips and the template we’ve created to whip through the storyboards with ease.

What we use storyboards for: To organize the story, align client and agency ideas and provide direction during a video shoot 

When we use storyboards: Before the video shoot and after the initial direction has been given

Example Storyboard:


At SPLASH we like to combine detailed direction and voiceovers to have all ideas in one place.


Ready to put your storyboards into motion? Let’s talk


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